Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Important Things You Must Know About Headaches, Hypertension And Stroke

Headaches, hypertension and stroke are health issues commonly affecting people and a renowned medical practitioner has addressed the link between them as well as other important issues to be taken note of.
There is a direct link between headaches, high blood pressure (or hypertension) and stroke. If you have high blood pressure and are experiencing constant headaches, chances are that you are well on your way to having a stroke.

Of course, not all headaches are due to high blood pressure, but all high blood pressure causes headaches. Although headaches may be due to several maladies, including tension, migraine, eye strain, dehydration, low blood sugar, sinusitis and common cold, much rarer are headaches due to life-threatening conditions such as meningitis, which is a bacterial infection of the brain covering, encephalitis – an infection of the brain; cerebral aneurysms (an expansion of the blood vessels in the brain), extremely high blood pressure and brain cancer.

Headaches can also be due to brain injury, while many women also get headaches during or just before their monthly cycle. Pains in the neck or upper back can also be considered as headaches.

The types of headaches that are usually associated with hypertension are the ones you may get in the early mornings on waking up. When you have high blood pressure that is not treated properly, you may have headaches in the mornings, blurred vision and, sometimes, depression. What makes high blood pressure dangerous is that it can lead to a stroke, which is life-threatening; and can lead to death or severe physical and/or mental incapacitation. Only very few lucky and healthy individuals make a full recovery after a stroke.


Hypertension is commonly referred to as high blood pressure, where the blood pressure is chronically high. Hypertension occurs when blood is forced through the arteries at an increased pressure. The arteries are the vessels that carry blood from the heart to all other tissues and organs of the body. If you have high blood pressure, it does not necessarily mean that you are under excessive emotional tension, although emotional tension and stress can temporarily increase your blood pressure. In fact, some people may lead totally stress-free and laidback lives and still have high blood pressure because they have familial hypertension – that is, it runs in the family and is genetic.

Generally, the higher the blood pressure, the greater the risk of damage to several organs of the body, including the heart, kidney, arteries, eyes and brain.

Untreated hypertension affects all organs and can shorten life by up to 10 to 20 years. High blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart and kidney diseases, hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), eye damage and stroke (brain damage).

By the time your blood pressure is above 140/90, you are considered to be hypertensive. Increase in diastolic pressure, which is the bottom part of the reading, is more important in defining someone as hypertensive. However, patients with diabetes mellitus or kidney disease with blood pressure as high as 130/80 mmHg should be considered in danger and in need of urgent treatment.

Proper diagnosis of high blood pressure is important, so that you can get the needed treatment to normalise the blood pressure and avoid associated complications. For older people over 50 years old, the systolic readings (upper readings) are more important. Systolic hypertension represents a greater risk for people over 50. Unless you have your blood pressure measured, you may never know you have hypertension. There are no symptoms, except that ‘nagging’ headache. That is why it is called the silent killer.


A stroke is the sudden reduction of blood flow to a portion of the brain. There are two main types of strokes: ischemic, also known as thrombotic, which is caused by a blood clot in the brain; and haemorrhagic, which is caused by bleeding in the brain.

A stroke of any type is an extreme medical emergency and prompt treatment is imperative if the patient is to survive. Although haemorrhagic strokes account for 15 per cent of all strokes, patients suffering from this type of stroke are more likely to die. Sometimes, it is difficult for non-medical people to recognise that somebody is having a stroke, but immediate help is essential. A person suffering from stroke must get help no longer than three hours after the stroke for his life to be saved. So, it is important for family and friends to know the signs of a stroke by doing the following simple tests:
  •     Ask him/her to smile.
  •     Ask him to talk. He must say a simple sentence coherently.
  •     Ask him to raise both arms.
  •     Ask him to stick out his tongue. The tongue should not be twisted.
If he is having trouble doing any of these simple things, then he may be having a stroke.

Steps against stroke
  1. If you have persistent headaches, visit your doctor, especially if you are over 40.
  2. Once you are diagnosed as hypertensive and you are placed on medications, you must continue taking the medication for life.
  3. Hypertension is not a problem; the problem is usually the bad management or careless use of medication. Try to take your medication regularly as prescribed by your doctor.
  4. Stroke will usually occur in hypertensive people who forget to take their medication for a very long time and then get into a stressful situation.
  5. Regular exercise can help to lower your blood pressure.
  6. A good diet with low salt, low carbohydrate and moderate protein without red meat is very good for your health.
  7. Do not self-medicate with over the counter drugs to treat your headaches without first checking with your doctor, to rule out more serious illnesses.
  8. If you are over 50, you may take one tablet of aspirin daily to avoid blood clots, but take it with a meal to avoid stomach ulcer.
  9. Check your blood pressure regularly.
  10. Determine your stressors such as food intolerance or toxins
  11. Do annual medical check-ups around the month of your birthday.
  12. Regular detoxification ensures low blood pressure.
Culled from The Punch.


Every time you go grocery shopping, you're making decisions that will have an impact on your health. While you may be well aware that some items you toss in your grocery cart aren't the healthiest choice on the shelf, you may not realize just how unhealthy they truly are.

One bad food may not have long-term consequences for your health, but a cart full of processed foods loaded with carbs and sugar seriously endangers your health, and even some foods you may think are healthy are anything but good for you.



Here's a list of seven foods you should never eat:

• Microwave Popcorn:  A report from the FDA found that popcorn bags are linked with a chemical called Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA), the same toxic chemical found in many non-stick pots and pans. PFOAs are linked to bladder cancer, thyroid problems, and high cholesterol. Some experts theorize that 20 percent of the PFOA found in our bodies comes from microwave popcorn. The smell of popcorn microwaved in a commercial bag is due to a chemical called diacetyl, a synthetic butter flavoring. It causes a disease called bronchiolitis obliterans, or "popcorn worker's lung," in factory workers who inhale the fumes. Due to public concerns, some manufacturers of popcorn have eliminated diacetyl.

• Processed meats: Hot dogs, bacon, ham, and other processed meats are loaded with unhealthy amounts of fat, salt, and preservatives, but that’s not all. They can also contain nitrites and nitrates, chemical additives used to enhance their taste, boost their color, and keep them from spoiling. Over 90 percent of nitrates tested have been found to cause cancer in various organs of the body, including the breast and stomach.
Bacon, salami, and other cured meats can aggravate respiratory diseases like chronic bronchitis and emphysema to the point of requiring a trip to the emergency room. Nitrates have been found to increase the risk of developing COPD, and to increase the chances of hospitalization from the disease. Nitrates can also trigger headaches in sensitive people.

• Farm raised fish:  According to the Environmental Working Group, most farm-raised fish are fed genetically modified feed. Fish tested were also contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at high levels, and were 16 times more likely to be contaminated than wild-caught fish. In addition, farm-fed fish were found to contain pesticides and other toxins from contaminated water that drains into ponds.
A study published in Science found that farmed salmon had 10 times the level of contaminants as wild salmon. Dr. David Carpenter, author of the study, told PBS that farmed salmon was so contaminated that eating more than one meal a month raised the risk for cancer. Some experts believe that some European farmed salmon should only be eaten once every four months.

• Margarine:  Although margarine was billed for decades as the healthy alternative to butter, many studies confirmed trans-fats in margarine raised cholesterol and damaged blood vessels. The more solid the margarine at room temperature, the more trans-fats it contained. Manufacturers have reformulated their products, but many health experts aren't convinced the products are healthy, as many contain genetically modified and artificial ingredients.

• Soft drinks: Whether sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners, sodas play havoc with your health. Sodas have been linked to the growing epidemics of obesity and diabetes. But sodas have also been linked to cancer: When sodium benzoate, used for mold prevention in many soft drinks, is mixed with vitamin C, it creates a carcinogenic substance called benzene. British researchers also found problems with sodium benzoate — they found it may be able to switch off vital parts of DNA in mitochondria, the "power station" of cells. The result could eventually causes cirrhosis of the liver and other degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's.

Researchers at India's Tata Memorial Hospital found a "very significant correlation" between soft drinks and an increased risk of esophageal cancer, and other studies have linked soft drinks to the risk of deadly pancreatic cancer.
Sodas are also linked to cardiovascular problems. A study published in Circulation, the journal of the American Heart Association, found that people who drank one or more soft drinks each day were 25 percent more likely to develop high blood triglycerides, and 32 percent more likely to have low levels of "good" cholesterol.

• Artificial sweeteners: "Artificial sweeteners are a disaster," says board-certified family physician Dr. David Brownstein. "They’re known to cause neurologic problems, autoimmune disorders, and probably cancer," he tells Newsmax Health.
We've been told for decades that artificial sweeteners help keep us slim, but recent studies have caused grave doubts. Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio found those who drank diet sodas were more likely to become overweight than those who drank regular sugary sodas. For each can of diet soda consumed each day, the risk of obesity increased by 41 percent. After 10 years, those who drank two or more diet sodas a day increased their risk of obesity by 500 percent.

Artificial sweeteners also don't appear to lower the risk of diabetes. A study published in the journal Nature found that diet sodas change the microbes living in the gut in a way that increases the risk of diabetes, and a study conducted at the University of Minnesota found that a single diet soda daily raised the risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes by 36 percent.
Sodas may be harming women's bones. Researchers at Tufts University found that women who drank sodas, including diet sodas, had lower bone density than women who didn't drink them. The phosphoric acid in sodas leaches calcium from bones.

• Conventionally grown potatoes: Since they are a root vegetables, potatoes absorb all of the chemicals in the soil — herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides. According to the USDA, 37 different pesticides have been found on conventionally grown potatoes. Of them, seven are possible carcinogens, nine are neurotoxins, and 12 are possible hormone disrupters. About 76 percent of all potatoes are contaminated with an herbicide called chlorpropham, which is used to keep potatoes from sprouting.

Courtesy: Diet & LifeStyle Inc.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015



“Staphylococcus” is the common Staph infection. Now, there are about 40 sub-groups (for example Staphylococcus Epidermis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus Lugdunensis, etc.).

Staphylococcus Sub Species
Staph is usually treatable with antibiotics. Not all Staph is necessarily bad. For example, Staphylococcus Epidermis is on the skin. It is expected to be there. It is part of the normal skin make-up.
Staphylococcus fits into a group of bacteria called “L.A.B.” This stands for Lactic Acid Bacteria. Lactic Acid Bacteria are very common. In fact, yogurt is a Lactic Acid Bacteria. We have it in our stomachs and intestines.
Lactic Acid Bacteria are very simple to understand because they do the same thing over and over. They assimilate (eat) glucose, or sugar and it really doesn’t matter what kind of sugar. They gobble up sugar all day long and when they are done the by-product is Lactic Acid. Very simple.

Catalase and Coagulase
So, Staphylococcus bacteria is a type of Lactic Acid Bacteria. Something else interesting is that another by-product is Uric Acid. As early as the 1930s and way back then they knew Staphylococcus eats sugar and produces Lactic and Uric acids. Up until now we have been talking about “Staphylococcus” not “Staphylococcus aureus.” Staphylococcus aureus commonly colonizes the nostrils, the rest of the respiratory tract, open wounds and the urinary tract...

·         People with weak or compromised immune system
·         Cancer patient
·         Severe asthmatics
·         Diabetics

When Staphylococcus aureus infection is not properly managed it can lead to:
·         Low Sperm count in male
·         Infertility
·         Reduction in the male sexual reproduction organ
·         Watery Seminal fluid
·         It can even lead to death

Staphylococcus Aureus is the meaner older brother and not as treatable with antibiotics. It has a very improved ability to protect itself against the immune system & resist common and popular antibiotics such as:

 Methicillin, Penicillin, Augmentin, Offloxacin, Dicloxacillin, Nafcillin, Oxacillin, Cephalosporins, Vancomycin e.t.c. It has secret weapons: two enzymes that make it unique. If we’re going to unlock the mysteries of MRSA we must understand these two secret weapons.

ARE YOU READY? One enzyme is called Coagulase and the other is Catalase.
Coagulase is easy to remember because it is the same as coagulation of the blood (this is one way doctors know how to identify Staphylococcus aureus. It coagulates the blood around it. Catalase is the real secret weapon. Catalase is what makes MRSA so dangerous. We’ll get to that in a moment, just remember that Catalase is the KEY!.

Our immune system is one of the incredible wonders of life. When our immune system snaps into action it’s at a faster pace and has more drama than any movie you have ever seen.
Immediately, the immune system killer 'T' cells go to work. Our killer 'T' cells are like little military hummers. These killer 'T' cells have two guns on top to kill germs, bacteria, and virus. One is Hydrogen Peroxide. They
actually produce - on demand - Hydrogen Peroxide. Amazing!

The other is Nitric Oxide. These are the two defense systems. Now, as humans, we’re “aerobic,” meaning we live in a high oxygen environment. If you disagree, hold your breath!
Our immune system actually kills invaders with oxygen using Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Oxide. As humans we live on oxygen and our immune system defends us with oxygen.

What a scene! We have a robot-like invader gobbling up sugar while the killer 'T' cell hummers are rushing in with guns blazing and firing big globs of Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Oxide. Parts of the bacteria are dying off and floating away in the blood and the killer T cells are also dying as well. Why is Staphylococcus aureus able to defend itself in such a hostile environment?
For example, if a different Lactic Acid Bacteria found its way into the blood, the Killer T cells would kill it in no time at all. So what makes Staphylococcus aureus so tough?
It’s the enzyme Catalase. “Catalase is a common enzyme found in nearly all living organisms that are exposed to oxygen, where it functions to catalyze the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide to water and oxygen. Catalase has one of the highest turnover numbers of all enzymes; one molecule of catalase can convert 40 million molecules of Hydrogen Peroxide to water and oxygen each second.”

Did you catch that? Catalase can convert 40 million molecules of Hydrogen Peroxide to water and oxygen each second. Wow! That means it speedily renders the weapon of our immune system useless.
Our Killer T cells Are at a Huge Disadvantage in This Fight
Of course, our body has another defense system, which is to turn up the temperature. Our second danger is Sepsis. This is also known as Septic shock. If history has taught us anything it’s that war is expensive and war is dirty. This infection is no exception. Staphylococcus is toxic to the body so as it grows and multiplies, it is dying off at the same time. It travels into the blood stream as toxic garbage while at the same time our fallen heroes (the white blood cells that have now spent their usefulness) go into the bloodstream. Sepsis is a loosely defined term that basically

means your blood has become toxic, inflamed, and full of garbage thereby resulting in different symptoms such as  painful boils, rashes, itches, weakness, tiredness, pneumonia, cardiovascular challenges
Septic shock is just that… it’s the point where your blood is toxic and your body goes into shock.

Your liver and your kidneys cannot keep up with the job of cleaning that is required, so they become overwhelmed. There’s not much a doctor can do, he can give fluids and hope for the best.
Let’s end this story on a good note and say that the particular antibiotic that the doctor chose works and the immune system in combination with the antibiotic gets the upper hand on the bacteria and the bacteria is killed off.

Yeah, the good guys win!
Eventually the fever will come back down and the liver and kidneys will be able to clean up the garbage and then the body will return to normal. It’s a happy ending to a very scary story.

Every MRSA infection is different. What do I mean?
Most people never go through a dangerous fever and most people never go through sepsis. How can that be?

The Great MRSA Mistake
Let’s start another scenario. This time let’s take an average, everyday guy who then acquires a strange looking rash. It bothers him enough that he finally goes to the doctor to have it checked out.
The doctor tells him it doesn’t look good, then takes a culture of it and sends the man home with some oral antibiotics. A few days later the doctor calls him to let him know that the test results came back positive for

Staphylococcus aureus.
This man - and most doctors - are thinking his MRSA is just on the skin. Here is the mistake:
There is 90% odds that the same battle will happen inside him but his immune system quickly gave up, ran up the white flag, threw in the towel, and hardly even put up a fight.
When it comes to a boil, a rash, open sore, or folliculitis, the dangerous part is thinking that what you can see on the skin is the problem when in fact it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

People and doctors mistakenly think that it can be solved by making the rash go away either with topical antibiotics or a combination of topical antibiotics and oral antibiotics. Not true… not true at all!
Most doctors feel that the oral antibiotics are simply a precaution, just in case the bacteria gets inside. Staphylococcus aureus is a blood-borne bacteria and with something like a rash, folliculitis, a boil or any other common skin problem, the chance of it being inside in the blood is very high. (Sorry to have to break this news to you.)
The question must be asked, “Why would one person’s immune system put up such a hard fight that it would create sepsis and a fever and another person hardly knew that they were sick? May be they had a mild flu or

even just a slight fever before their immune system gave up and submitted to the assimilation by MRSA(Multiple Drug Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)

Why Some People Get MRSA, Why Some People Don’t
200 years ago everybody ate mostly organic foods fresh vegetables, fruits which makes them more healthy than people of nowadays. There was no soda, coffee wasn’t available to the general public and there was nothing known as non-organic because there were no fertilizers or ways to puff up chickens and cows nice and fat so they look healthy but inside are nutritionally starved.

200 years ago sugar had not made the devastating impact on society that it has now. You must admit we live in a different world today! Coffee, tea, wine, alcohol, and soda are everyday necessities for most people. The foods we eat have literally had acid added to them which is called “hydrogenation.” This keeps them from going bad so fast. Also, the foods we eat came from nutritionally stripped soil and had been pumped up by chemical fertilizers to make them look beautiful even though they are nutritionally empty.
How about stress? Do I really need to go on about stress? Are you stressed? It seems like everybody in the world is moving faster and stress is compounding. I have found that most of my clients will say they had extra
stress of some kind before an outbreak. Let me explain exactly how these things create an MRSA infection.

The Perfect MRSA Storm
We have learned we have Lactic Acid Bacteria in our intestines. All of those bacteria in our intestines gobble up sugar, then they convert that sugar into Lactic Acid, literally acidifying our intestinal tracts.
Our stomachs are acidic but as soon as the food passes from our stomach to the small intestine, the liver and gall bladder inject bile into the mixture of food that the stomach softened.
Bile is very alkaline and our intestines and the bacteria that live in them need a very specific acid/alkaline balance to thrive. If it becomes too acidic, then the only bacteria that can thrive are the ones that live in an acidic environment and now we can’t get the nutrition from our food because the miracle called our digestive tract is out of whack.

Our brains are screaming for nutrition, so we eat more (nutrient-stripped) food because we’re hungry and tired. It’s easy to make bad food choices when you’re hungry and tired. Yet this only proves to make the problem worse.

Beverages are easy to understand since coffee, tea, soda, alcohol and everything you can name besides milk is acidic. When any liquid is acidic it simply means that there is more hydrogen in the liquid than oxygen. That’s what pH stands for: it’s percentage or parts Hydrogen. pH is a measurement of hydrogen… that’s all.
There is a lot of misinformation about pH, but truly understanding pH is your key to never fearing MRSA again. Think of how profound this thought is… to be healthy, full of life and have a strong immune system, we need to be full of oxygen. The more hydrogen that is in our bodies, the less room there is for oxygen. We live in a world that shoves acid (hydrogen) down our throats faster than any time in human history.

The More Acid or Full of Hydrogen We Are, the Weaker Our Killer T Cells Will Be. Remember, the guns that our killer T cells shoot the bad guys with use oxygen (Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Oxide) so instead of a cannon, they have squirt guns to fight with. The body turns to its alkaline minerals to buffer the acidity but we have stripped them out of our food as well. We’re on a crazy train and wonder why we get sick, then blame the doctor for not giving us a magic pill to make it all go away. Let me ask you something and this may be a bit of a harsh reality check for you…

Question: Say you get on an elevator and another person on the elevator is sick and coughing. Later that day you come down with a cold… who’s fault is it? Is it your fault or the person that got on the elevator with the cold? If you take responsibility for your own life and your own health you would say it’s your fault for getting sick. Why? Because there is only one person in the world responsible for you and your health and that’s you. You are responsible for what you think and how you deal with stress and for what you put in your mouth.

Consider MRSA Infection Your Wake Up Call.
Are you ready for the true cause of MRSA? I have heard from several people and they’ll give me every reason under the sun as to how they contracted MRSA.
They got it from the gym, they got it from someone cooking dinner, they got it from a relative, they got it from the hospital, and the list goes on. But you tell me… how can you have a husband and wife and let’s say for

example the husband has horrible terrible MRSA open wounds for several years while the wife–who sleeps in the same bed and showers in the same shower– never has the slightest sign of catching MRSA?
The answer is some people are just more prone to get MRSA than others. The reason they are more prone is the acid/alkaline hydrogen/oxygen balance in their body!

The True Cause of MRSA is The Unnatural World We Live In!

We eat foods and drink beverages and live our lives in a way that is not natural!This bacteria has not changed, true it has mutated and become resistant to our antibiotics but that does not mean it has changed its general nature. It still eats sugar, produces Lactic Acid and makes more bacteria. The fermenting process mentioned earlier requires a low oxygen environment. What does that mean?

A Quick Lesson About pH That You Need to LearnLet’s say you have a glass of water that has a pH of exactly 7. This means it is completely neutral. It has two hydrogens and one oxygen. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 with 7 in the middle.Now you take a cap of vinegar (vinegar is very acidic) and pour it into the water. When you check the pH (remember you’re only looking at the “percentage of hydrogen”) it will be lower–let’s say a six.All that means is now the percentage of hydrogen is higher. It may seem a little backwards but that number reads lower. Every number lower is 10 times the previous number so a 5 pH would be 100 times more acidic than a 7 pH and a 4 pH would be 1000 times more acidic than a seven.There’s no need to get into mind bending chemistry here. I just want you to know that the more acid that is in a liquid, the more hydrogen is in there.

The opposite is true too. If you have water and add alkaline minerals, now you have more oxygen and less hydrogen. This is important because this exact same thing is going on in the human body.We are adding hydrogen to our bodies like never before in human history and as I previously mentioned, food, stress, sugar, and beverages are the cause of MRSA!It drives me up the wall when I find a website that talks about “frequent hand washing” as a way to prevent MRSA. This is pure ignorance. There’s no way to avoid it. You will come into contact with this bacteria thousands
of times.
If your blood is full of hydrogen and low in oxygen, your killer T cells’ guns won’t work at all. On the day Staphylococcus aureus shows up and finds its way into your blood stream or on your skin, if the environment is very acidic then the oxygen levels will be low. Therefore, it’s easy for the bacteria to ferment sugars and start to replicate sooner and faster. At the same time your little army men are at a tremendous disadvantage because their guns just don’t work. The oxygen in the Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitric Oxide get gobbled up by the surrounding blood.The results are they can fire their guns but their shots just don’t seem to hit. At the same time Staphylococcus aureus is stronger because it’s in an environment that suits its needs better, it can defend itself better, and you my friend will find yourself on the losing end of battle.
Real world testBeing in a condition called Lactic Acidosis is a lot like being in quicksand. As you know, with quicksand you can struggle and struggle and yet never seem to break free.It’s incredibly difficult to break free of Lactic Acidosis. Doctors have nothing to stop the tremendous amounts of Lactic Acid build-up inside the human body.Every minute of every day, this bacteria is gobbling up sugar and producing more. So how could you ever possibly hope to dig yourself out of the hole called Lactic Acidosis?What about food? There are some people that have eaten nothing but raw organic food for two years since they were diagnosed with MRSA and yet they still have MRSA. You can’t get out of Lactic Acidosis with food because you have millions or trillions of tiny Lactic Acid factories pumping out Lactic Acid every minute of every day. Even the best food can’t stop that.We need to not only get out of Lactic Acidosis, but get back to a stronger position than when we started. Strong enough and so full of oxygen that the human body can literally oxidize and kill the bacteria.

This Knowledge is a Huge Gift… My Gift to You!What is needed is to tilt the acidity scale to the alkaline scale and keep it tilted in the right direction until his killer T cells can not only destroy the bacteria, but be strong enough to keep it away in the future.That’s why doctors say, “if you have MRSA once you will always have it.” I say if they would come out of the stone age and address the problem (Lactic Acid), anybody can be MRSA-free for life! You need to remember the reason you got MRSA. It’s because you have lived in a world of poisonous food and a severe lack of nutrition. Once you become MRSA-free, it’s your job to make up for lost nutrition. It’s a total shift in the way we see the world.

First things first, how do you get out of Lactic Acidosis?The short answer is you remove hydrogen… a lot of hydrogen!A person with MRSA is basically a toxic hydrogen bomb. They are full of extra hydrogen or free radicals or toxins.So the natural remedy to this Staph infection menace is the powerful combination of 



·         It is a general body tonic, that helps replenishes lost vital nutrients (ammino acid, vitamins, minerals,  
           e.t.c). It is an elixir of life!
·         Contains more than 200 nutritional compound
·         Detoxifies the entire body system off toxins (Lactic acid, Uric acid & Sepsis caused by staph aureus),
          protecting the cells, tissues and organs (strong antioxidant)
·         It aids rejuvenation
·         It is a natural immuno-modulator and immuno-stimulator i.e, it helps to regulate and boost the immune
·         Natural source of energy
·         Cleanses the entire urinary tract system, prevents the Staph bacteria from adhering to bladder cells
          and enhances the cleaning functions of kidneys, bladder and skin
·         It is a natural source of flavonoids; oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) which makes it a powerful
          antioxidant against the free radicals caused by Staph aureus
DOSAGE:30ml 30min before meal 3times daily or 40ml 30 min before meal in the morning and night
                                                                             BEE PROPOLIS

Bee Propolis is a bee hive product. Reseach has shown its effectiveness against 15 strains of the antibiotic resistants MRSA. Propolis contains 150 complex compounds including many different bioflavonoids known for there strong anti-infective properties.
                     • Natural and powerful antibiotic, an excellent aid against Staph aureus infections
                     • Also enhances the immune functions
                     DOSAGE: 1 tab 2times daily 30mins before meal-Morning & Evening
Garlic has been used for 5,000 years medicinaly in Egypt and Romans have used it for different infections. Garlic otherwise known as Alium Sativum is a very good natural antibiotic. What causes the burning sensation in it is called Alicin and when crushed and ingested the body mechanism turn it to Ajoene, Garlic is an anti-bacteria. We humans are natural and natural therapy helps our health much better. Study has shown its effectiveness against different strains of Staphylococcus aureus.
·         Garlic-Thyme: The two powerful antioxidant; combine to create a great tool in maintaining good
           health. It also contains many sulfur compounds, which gives it, its healing properties
·         It detoxifies the body system and fights against Staph aureus infection by enhancing immune function
·         It has been formed into an odourless soft gel capsules thereby eliminating the odour
DOSAGE: 1 tab 3 times daily 30mins before meal

According to herbalist Stephen Harrod Buhner in his 1999 book,”Herbal Antibiotics: Natutal Alternatives for Treating Drug Resistant Bacteria”Echinacae species are perennial praire herbs native to North America which has long history of its effectiveness against Staph aureus due to its ability to stimulate white blood cells of the immune system.
It helps to support immune function; thereby preventing any infection of the immune system. It is strongly antibacterial
DOSAGE: 1 tab 2 times daily 30mins before meal-Morning & Evening
How Do You Know If MRSA is Gone?
The problem is that MRSA blood tests are not accurate. The best time to take a blood sample to test for MRSA is when the patient is near or in sepsis.
What I’m saying is, it’s frustrating. If you want to know if you are 100% MRSA-free you can take a blood test, but it will probably come back negative because MRSA is hard to detect in the blood.
It has been found out  that most of our people with Staph infection can rid themselves of MRSA within 60-90 days of taking the combination of the ”BBGE Combination Therapy”. Not because they had a blood test to tell them but they know because of how they feel. They know because they feel fantastic and know they will never allow themselves to get back to where they were before they got MRSA the first time.
Some take more time, some take less. The trick is to build up your energy and immune system to better than it was before the infection took hold!.

The total  BBGE Combination Therapy comprises of:
3 BERRY NECTAR:3,000 ml which is needed to last for 30 days.Price:-N10,400. ( 57.77 USD).
BEE PROPOLIS:60 Capsules is needed for 30 days.Price:-N4,500. (25 USD). 
GARLIC-THYME:100 Capsule  is needed  for 30 days.Price:-N3,500(19.4USD). 
ECHINACEA SUPREME:60 Capsule is needed for 30 days.Price:-N3,300(18.33 USD). Total Price is N21,800 (121.111 USD). 
For those interested in ordering for the BBGE Therapy from any part of the country(Nigeria) please call 08067419178 for instruction and pay the total sum of N21,800 with courier charge of N2,000  for home delivery totaling N23,800 to: 
We use FEDEX,Courier Master,NIPOST or Way Bill Transport Service.It will be delivered to you within 2-4 working Days. 
After payment send your Full name,Amount Paid,Date of Payment,Teller No ,Full address and contact numbers to +2348067419178
For those living within Lagos State,you can locate us at our Head Office:21/23,Aromire Avenue,Off Allen Junction,Ikeja.
NOTE: Call us on +2348067419178 or  +2348025351995  for more enquiry and when you are ready to purchase the  BBGE Therapy.                                                                                                                     You can add us on BBM:7FF80521

Thursday, 19 March 2015

15 Foods You Must Avoid If Planning To Make Love

While we all know what we should be eating when it comes to getting turned on in the bedroom, we’re not very sure which foods we should avoid.
‘Our libido can be affected by a number of outside influences, from stress, tiredness, shift work, financial worries or simply working long hours.’ Avoid some foods if planning to have sex.'
1. Black liquorice
Liquorice intake has been linked to lower testosterone levels. The stronger the testosterone, the stronger the sexual desire, for both men and women, so maybe best not to have this as a sweet treat.
2. Cheese
Dairy generally is a libido killer. For many dairy is congesting and mucus-producing, so not the ideal way to feel before sex!
3. Beans
‘For some they’ll feel full of energy after a bean-filled meal, for others they may feel sluggish or at worst bloated and even an increase in flatulence, so best avoided,’ she explained.
4. Chocolate
Choose your chocolate carefully as not all chocs are bad. Go for dark chocolate that contains a minimum of 70 per cent  cocoa, as it will be the most nutritious way to consume this delicious, sensual food!
‘Dark chocolate is naturally high in many antioxidants, choose raw for the highest possible levels of naturally occurring nutrients. Chocolate is rich in L-tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin.
5. Hot dogs
The high saturated content of hot dogs can clog up the vaginal and penile arteries, making this the least romantic handheld treat around.
‘All processed foods are a no for libido. Hot dogs are a very processed food in an overly processed bun that provides very little nutrition. Think about how you feel eating something like this.
‘You may feel sluggish and low in energy – not good for feeling sexy.
6. Peppermint
The menthol in peppermint has been shown to reduce testosterone levels, sending your sex drive plummeting. And while bad breath is a turn off, definitely do not chew gum as chewing brings more air into your system, making you prone to burp.
7. Tonic Water
This often contains quinine which is used as a flavouring agent in tonic water and some other beverages.
‘Quinine has been used as an anti-malarial agent, but it’s been linked to a decrease in sexual function, so avoid before sex.
8. French fries
Again an overly processed food, that has a very high glycaemic index, meaning that this food releases its energy very quickly into our systems
‘You may feel initially good on eating them, but pretty soon after, your energy levels will quickly slump, leaving you feeling low,’ the nutritionist said.
‘Plus you may not feel well if they’ve been cooked in bad quality oil, which may cause you to feel sluggish and even indigestion – all libido killers!
9. Red meat
It depends how you feel individually after eating meat. For some, it will energise them, providing them with iron, which will increase oxygenation throughout the body.
For some people red meat itself may make them feel more ‘animal’.
For others, if they don’t have good digestive function, or ‘fire’, then red meat may sit heavily in them, making them feel lethargic. So it depends on the individual.
10. Tofu
Tofu and soya products contain phytoestrogens, and eaten in excess, soy can decrease testosterone levels, so steer clear of tofu to keep your sexual desire high.
11. Canned food
Processed food, suspended in time, there for the long haul, but providing little nutritional value, plus energetically ‘dead’ food. This definitely won’t increase your vitality, nor your sex life!
12. Red wine
In moderation red wine may increase blood flow, whilst relaxing you and lowering your inhibitions. But only have it in small amounts, as you don’t want to overdo it!
13. Oatmeal
May be good for you by helping to lower stress levels, and this is a roundabout way may increase libido, but aside from keeping you full energy-wise, oatmeal won’t directly increase your libido. Plus the high fiber content can lead to gassy feelings.
14. Energy drinks
These are often full of sugar and nasties such as artificial colours and flavours. They may give you an instant energy lift, which may increase endurance and stamina, but this may be short-lived.
15. Broccoli
While it can produce gas, broccoli is a wonderful vegetable that helps the body to naturally detoxify. ‘Eating plenty of broccoli may have a positive effect on prostate health and may help prevent heart disease. A great food to eat to improve your hormonal health overall.


Friday, 16 January 2015

Why the Chinese Don't Get Sick Like We Do

Why the Chinese Don't Get Sick Like We Do

Dear Reader:
Do you know that Chinese men and women often escape dreaded diseases that kill over 1.2 million Americans a year?
What do they know that you don't know?
4,000 years of traditional medicine and modern science now prove that many diseases Western medicine fails to treat could be cured by Chinese healing secrets.
For example...
Heart disease is the #1 killer in America, claiming 700,000-plus lives a year.
Yet, over a three-year period in China, not a single person under the age 64 died of heart disease -- out of 470,000 men and women living in two counties.
Here's another one:
Cancer is the #2 killer in America, taking over 550,000 lives a year.
Yet, according to The China Study, rural Chinese women have five times less risk of dying from breast cancer than their American counterparts.
Why is it, when it comes to sickness and disease, that the Chinese in many cases have less risk and a greater propensity for healing than Americans?
Millions and millions of Chinese men and women understand, live by and believe in the powerful, yet safe healing remedies of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
As you'll see here, Traditional Chinese Medicine is far different than Western medicine.
And now, you can see for yourself how this 4,000-year-old miracle could help you relieve some of your worst pain and debilitating diseases without depending on prescription drugs.
Here are just some of the breakthrough cures and treatments that we've recently reported on in our newest monthly newsletter called Chineses Medicine Miracle

  • The prized Chinese herbal combination that remedies fatigue. 86% success rate in clinical study.
  • The Chinese call this herb "chai hu,” and it's used medicinally for liver and viral infections. Harvard Medical School's list of the conditions it treats includes angina, cancer, dementia, depression and diabetes.
  • 82-year-old woman with stomach cancer could not receive surgery, as it was deemed too dangerous. But CT scans showed a major reduction in her tumor with this Chinese herb.
  • Abnormal heart rhythm cured with little-known Chinese flowering herb.
  • The simple breathing secret that can build super immunity. Clears blockages, energizes your whole body and improves blood flow.
  • How arthritis patients found blessed relief with an ancient Chinese stretching cure. As reported by the "Journal of American Geriatrics Society."
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the amazing power of Traditional Chinese Medicine. You See more of these cures in our next Post

Monday, 5 January 2015

Hand Air Dryers Spread Germs: Study

For years, many experts thought that using hand air dryers found in public toilets was more sanitary than using paper towels. But they actually spread germs, according to new research from the U.K.'s University of Leeds.

The researchers found that germ counts around high-powered "jet-air" and ordinary warm-air hand dryers were 27 times higher in comparison with the air around paper towel dispensers.

Air hand dryers scatter germs much like an aerosol can disperses its contents when sprayed, and the study found that both jet and warm air hand dryers spread bacteria into the air and onto users and those nearby.

To mimic hands that have been poorly washed, the researchers contaminated hands with a harmless type of bacteria called Lactobacillus, which is not normally found in public bathrooms.

Any Lactobacillus detected in the air proved that it must have come from the hands during drying. The experts collected air samples around the hand dryers and also at distances of one and two meters away.

Air bacterial counts close to jet air dryers were found to be 4.5 times higher than around warm air dryers and 27 times higher compared with the air when using paper towels.

Bacteria persisted in the air next to the dryers well beyond the 15 second hand-drying time, with approximately half (48 percent) of the Lactobacilli collected more than five minutes after drying ended. Lactobacilli were still detected in the air 15 minutes after hand drying.

Team leader Professor Mark Wilcox said: "Next time you dry your hands in a public toilet using an electric hand dryer, you may be spreading bacteria without knowing it. You may also be splattered with bugs from other people's hands.

"These findings are important for understanding the ways in which bacteria spread, with the potential to transmit illness and disease."